Windows Firewall problems - cannot enable
i cannot enable my windows firewall. any idea why this might be? i access the security center, and it tells me to go straight to the windows firewall. i go to that, and it says "due to an unidentified problem, windows cannot display Windows Firewall Settings."
i still get uncontrolable lag and latency playing wolrd of warcraft. i have enabled 2 ports as said on the site.
If it's purely a game problem I'll have to defer to someone else for advice. If it's a general problem there are other things which can be checked out.
2 of the tests didnt go through.
im in canada
download time to east USA - red
Download time to west USA - red
Download time UK - Red
packet loss enroute east USA - red
You could try to play around with the Advanced settings for your NIC. (See picture.) Make sure you write down your original settings so you can change them back if it ends up making things worse.
You might see if there is an updated driver for you NIC, too.
i assume that means... network interface card?
which one do i access?
im not so sure i want to randomly change things seeing as i have no idea what any of the outcomes would be...
Have you tried updating the driver? This appears to be an onboard device; if you're still using the drivers from the CD that came with the motherboard, chances are you can do better.
my motherboard is an abit. model NF7-S/NF7 (nVidia-nForce2)
update the drivers for... my motherboard? NIC? would they both update at once since i believe it is onboard?
what about my router? is there drivers for it too?
As for the Full Autonegotiation setting, try forcing it to 100Mbps/Full Duplex and see if that makes a difference.
Your router won't need drivers, since it has its own OS. The most you could do with that is look for updated firmware. I'd do that only as a last resort, though.
im trying to look into the drivers
EDIT: i DCd when i put it back too...