That is a B stepping Tbred, so I would say that you should be able to get 2.0 minimum. What mobo are you running it on? Like Thrax said, first clock it up to a 133 fsb and run it at it's rated speed at least.
I dont know much about overclocking. Would that 1700+ run as well as an amd that is stock 2.39, aside from the stability issues and assuming that theres an amd that runs at 2.39 stock. Would it be able to do the same amount of work on a benchmark?
but if there were, the later amd chips (Barton) have more onboard cache and are capable of more/faster work at the same clock speed as the older core of the 1700+
I'm sure Thrax (among others?) will weigh in with more/better info (=
**EDIT*** AHAHAHAHAA he did weigh in, and and and just "yes" ??? So unlike you Thrax Hrmmm maybe a Barton WOULDNT do more @ same clock? Dang, if I understood that one wrong, colour me red and call me foo
Assuming we ever see a stock 2.4GHz Athlon XP. Not.
Assuming it would be a Barton. Not.
Assuming we will ever see another Athlon XP core that isn't designated as budget. Not.
Assuming we could ever cool it...Not again.
The stock 2.39GHz (Barton) would be ~1.5% faster than the 2.39GHz Thoroughbred.
Could you give some info on the rest of the system such as ram, psu and what stepping you have on the cpu? Is the cpu unlocked? I assume you have a XP1700 and it uses 11 as stock multi. If you dont have the ram for it, you need to go up on the multi. And with that board, you need to unlock the cpu to have all multis available.
Vicious we need more details on those products. First, we need your cpu stepping. This can be obtained by taking off your heatsink, looking at your chip and writing down the entire alphanumeric code (the black sticker below the die/core)
Next we need the exact model numbering and brand name of your memory. For instance 256 pc2100 DDR266 7-3-3-2.5 Crucial memory.
300 Watts could be too little depending on who makes the power supply, how many optical and storage drives you have in your system, and how much power your video card sucks up. If you could give us a model name and brand name of your power supply that would help a lot.
afaik, there is no amd @ stock 2.39 (anyone?)
but if there were, the later amd chips (Barton) have more onboard cache and are capable of more/faster work at the same clock speed as the older core of the 1700+
I'm sure Thrax (among others?) will weigh in with more/better info (=
**EDIT*** AHAHAHAHAA he did weigh in, and and and just "yes" ??? So unlike you Thrax
Assuming we ever see a stock 2.4GHz Athlon XP. Not.
Assuming it would be a Barton. Not.
Assuming we will ever see another Athlon XP core that isn't designated as budget. Not.
Assuming we could ever cool it...Not again.
The stock 2.39GHz (Barton) would be ~1.5% faster than the 2.39GHz Thoroughbred.
I don't consider 2% faster worth noting.
Curse you for making me type more. Gah.
I'm using Abit KR7A. Just bought a new cpu fan thermtake volcano 11+... And advice to get better? Thanks.;)
Could you give some info on the rest of the system such as ram, psu and what stepping you have on the cpu? Is the cpu unlocked? I assume you have a XP1700 and it uses 11 as stock multi. If you dont have the ram for it, you need to go up on the multi. And with that board, you need to unlock the cpu to have all multis available.
Next we need the exact model numbering and brand name of your memory. For instance 256 pc2100 DDR266 7-3-3-2.5 Crucial memory.
300 Watts could be too little depending on who makes the power supply, how many optical and storage drives you have in your system, and how much power your video card sucks up. If you could give us a model name and brand name of your power supply that would help a lot.