Failed repair install

khankhan New
edited June 2006 in Hardware
Howdy all, I'm returned with a new issue for consideration. I have tonight and tomorrow night to fix this computer before I leave it behind again.

Essentially, when I built this computer I realized that I had forgotten my windows XP CD at home (I was at school), so I used to a cracked XP Pro key to make it get by until I made it home and could (I thought) swap the key out with my XP Pro disc at home.

I initially tried the microsoft-offered script for changing the PID, and that failed. Another source suggested that a repair install would do the trick, and prompt me for my CD Key once again, allowing me to enter in the correct key.

The repair install gave me several errors along the way (I have done this probably 3 times, all with the same result).

msoe.dll could not be found, there is an error having to do with COM+, and at least 2 other errors that occur while running the repair install process. Installation completes succesfully however, and I have very basic functionality...copying files is pretty much it. Windows Media Player gives an "internal application error" when run, windows firewall will not initialize, and although the NIC is connected I have no internet access (I assume a problem unrelated to the drivers, I installed those myself when prompted during the repair install).

I tried to install service pack 2 over this, in hopes that it would replace whatever missing files where gone (I have the CD sent out by microsoft for SP2), but upon reboot, I have no keyboard or mouse USB connectivity at all. I have tried a PS/2 keyboard as well, no good.

Is my only option left to reformat/reinstall, or is there hope left?

Edit: impatience wins out, reformatting it is.
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