on my new laptop

tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
edited June 2006 in Hardware
Hey i got my dell inspiron E1705 today and its awsome, but i have one general question. I'm transferring files from my desktop to my laptop, and i want to move my laptop right beside my router so it has a very solid connection. I just want to know how i can set it so when i close my laptop that it doesnt turn off or whatever, and the files can keep on transferring.

edit - nevermind, i found a crossover cable and i created a workgroup. alot quicker than wireless.


  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    There is an option in your powersettings(which canbe found in the screensaver area of your desktop properties) which should give you the options for what happens when you close the lid to your laptop.
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