HELP please. Have lost monitor signal on work computer.

Byron172Byron172 Adelaide, South Australia Member
edited June 2006 in Hardware
Hi guys,
I have just made a huge mistake on on of our office computers. Hoping someone has advice cos this is huge!! We were having problems with the graphics on the office computer so I went and downloaded what I thought were the updated drivers. I went and installed them and now we get no display once Windows boots up. The CPU is running Windows98 and it does boot up, we are also able to network into it. Is there any way I can roll back driver from a networked computer? Or do I have any other options?
I am really sweating over this one and I appreciate any advice that can be offered.


  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited June 2006
    Boot up in Safe Mode by tapping F8 just before Windows starts to load. Assuming you now have a picture on the screen you have the choice of either uninstalling the driver or messing around with the color settings, resolution, and refresh rate. I'd try the second part to begin with, then go for the uninstall if that doesn't work.

    If you can't get the display back after trying both ideas let us know. :)
  • Byron172Byron172 Adelaide, South Australia Member
    edited June 2006
    Thank Prof.
    After I calmed down a bit I thought it through I booted up in safe mode. I then removed the S3 ProSavage from device manager and rebooted. Then when the CPU rebooted I was given the prompt to install drivers for the "New Hardware". When I directed Windows to the driver folder that I had previously downloaded it miraculously found the driver it wanted and HALLELUHIA!!!!
    I think I lost two years off my life today (and 50 pounds in sweat). I'm off for a drink...........
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited June 2006
    Glad to hear you got it going. :cheers:
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