Computer wont boot and no recovery console
I was trying to set up Linux to dual boot the machine but eventually gave up as trying to set up a pseudo software raid around an existing Windows install is pretty much a nightmare (grub wouldn't recognise the drives, things just kept going wrong, etc). So I went to use my XP CD to use the recovery console to do the fixmbr thing but when I boot from the CD XP setup lists all my partitions but doesn't ask before hand if I wanted to use the recovery console. When I select my Windows partiton it gives me some comments about dual-booting Windows and the only options are to go back or install to that partition.
So... where the hell is the Recovery console?
So... where the hell is the Recovery console?
I know that when I go in to install Windows on a fresh drive is the only time I see it skip the Recovery Console option.
Good luck.
In your place, I would use that disk to boot up my system until I was able to copy off all my important stuff, then I would totally reformat that drive and start fresh.
EDIT: You could try getting hold of a Win98 Startup Disk and trying:
It has 3 partitions, Windows (NTFS), Data (NTFS) and Gentoo (Reiser3) of which I'm using Gentoo through VMWare atm.
A pox on you Gates!