PS2 Still Putting The Hurt To Xbox 360

Since the day Xbox 360 launched, Sony's Playstation 2 has dominated the market in console sells. With the PS2 Slim selling for $129.00 at Wal-mart. Microsoft is having issues pushing a $299 Core system.
Source: ARS Technica
This shows the markets willingness to purchase the lower end consoles because of the price difference. Not to mention the PS2 has a host of great games already.Since the release of the Xbox 360, Microsoft has averaged 246,000 console sales each month in the US, while the PS2 has seen an average of 473,000 units—a number bolstered by an estimated 1.5 million sales in December alone. Leaving out December, Sony's average drops to 302,000 per month, still outpacing the Xbox 360 by a healthy margin.
Source: ARS Technica