Comp was working fine but now won't post...

BaldarkBaldark In a banna Tree
edited June 2006 in Hardware
Hello, everyone!:smiles:

Here are my specs:

460w psu
Gigabyte Ga-k8ns v1.1
Geforce FX5700VE DDR 256mb AGP
1 gb DDR ram (1 stick)
Windows XP Home Edition
Athlon 64 Processor

My comp was working fine for about a year now. Several weeks before the problem occured, I was on the comp then it started making a strange sound, i thought something was overheating. I looked at the temp gage and it said it was at about 106F. This is above the norm then i opened the case and everything was fine (about 95F) Then one night (about a few weeks ago), when I had some music playing in Windows Media Player, I went to start up World of Warcraft. That was when all this started. The screen went black and stayed black, plus the music I had playing froze. So I waited a few moments and decided to just push the reset button. Ever since then, when I turn on the power, the monitor stays on stand by, and I don't get the single beep that tells me that there was a successful post. I don't get any beeps. Power seems to be fine because all my fans come on (cpu fan, VGA fan, Case fan).

I've read many threads on this subject and I'll tell you what I tried.

I've read that clearing the CMOS will help. I unplugged the psu and switched off the power, then I grounded myself and took out the battery for about 30 min. That didn't work so I tried the jumpers, that didn't work either. :sad2:

I've read that my motherboard might be shorting to something and they suggested that take out my motherboard and put it on an anti static bag. I tried this and still didn't work. So I tried the bare basics (Motherboard, cpu, psu, vga, and ram) while on the anti-static bag. Same result.

I concluded that comp must have a component that is seriously damaged and needs replacement. But what could it be?

I took out and checked the cpu and that looked fine. When I take out the ram or video card and try to start the comp, my comp beeps. So i don't think my mother board is broken. But if either my ram or video is bad, then why doesn't the motherboard beep saying those pieces of equipment are broken? I don't know what to do at this point and any replys would be great.

Rock on! :headbange


  • edited June 2006
    what brand is the psu?

  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited June 2006
    Can you borrow a PSU and see if that makes a difference?

    I wouldn't tell you to just run out and buy a new one, since it could be any number of things (as you have already mentioned). You might also try removing and re-seating the RAM, plus cleaning the contacts on both the RAM and the video card while you're at it.

    Good luck. :)
  • BaldarkBaldark In a banna Tree
    edited June 2006
    Thanks for the replys.:respect:
    My psu brand is Enermax, it came with the case I bought.

    As for me borrowing a psu i don't know anyone i can borrow one from. :(
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited June 2006
    Do you have any local computer shops which you trust? An honest place might let you buy a PSU, then return it if it didn't cure your problem.

    Make sure you get the return policy in writing first. ;)
  • BaldarkBaldark In a banna Tree
    edited June 2006
    lol I'll try that. But do you really think the psu is at fault?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited June 2006
    The hardest part about troubleshooting a computer which won't even give you a display on the monitor is that you're pretty much limited to the things you have already tried (like resetting the CMOS, etc), then starting to swap out parts. If I were in your shoes (as I have been at times in the past) the PSU is where I'd start. :)
  • BaldarkBaldark In a banna Tree
    edited June 2006
    Sorry for not replying so late, but i did find the problem I believe. ;)
    I remember reading something about checking for blown capacitors. Well I was just taking another look and i saw that a capacitor on my video card was blown, or was not flat but rounded with a crack and some wierd brown cloth? I maybe mistaken about the brown thing but it is definitly my video card. I hope i can return it. Thanks guys!:rockon:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited June 2006
    Yes, indeed. A bulging capacitor is a dead giveaway.

    Too bad you had a problem, but at least you found it. :)
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