Flash media life span
With all this new "Vista using Flash drives" for everything going around I thought I'd look back into them for various reasons, firstly being backups. HDs die around me all the time, floppy disks are as reliable as trains, CD's get weird coffee like stains on them which prevents them from working and are easily scratched which leaves Flash media. It has no moving parts, are VERY rugged (poor cards I used at college, been to hell and back and work perfectly still, but I've been wondering lately, what is their flaw? I was looking up new ones a minute ago and didn't realise how much the price had come down and the speeds had gone up which made them seem even more tempting, but I keep hearing about them only being able to take so many write/re-write cycles before dying, which, with the advent of Vista's new system seemed odd as that would use them heavily and would mean we'd see them dying left, right and center.
Googling left it far too ambiguous with everyone having their own oppinion on how long they last and what happens to them, so, does anyone know what is wrong with this seemingly otherwise perfect media?
Googling left it far too ambiguous with everyone having their own oppinion on how long they last and what happens to them, so, does anyone know what is wrong with this seemingly otherwise perfect media?
Both of which are always getting better and better, naturally.
But I could not say for certain, just no one replied and I'd like some facts myself :P