
HELP. goes to Search when I open folders/drives. NOT OPEN anymore!

edited June 2006 in Science & Tech
I was playin around with the Icons and somehow changed the default open to a search. I used to remember how to fix it but dont know now!


  • edited June 2006
    bump different wording:

    I was messin around with icons, the drive and folder ones and I guess somehow it changed the Default action when double clicked from OPEN to a search window. I remember fixing this once but I forget, do you guys know??

    I know it has something to do with Tools>folder options>file type and then advance on the drive and folder. Find is set to default (bolded) and on my other PC it is not. I KNOW thats where you gatta fix it but I dont know how.


    I had the same problem and did this (back up registry first) then .... goto START, type regedit,go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Directory, shell and then delete the actions listed. Folders will now open as they used to. I also did the same thing with my C and D drives, and instead of shell, went to drive and deleted actions which resulted in the actions going back as before. Hope this helps :)
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