LAN Weather Forecast
California Icrontian
The weather doesn't look that bad!
Weather Forecast! Warren, Michigan, United States
Thur - High 87 - Low 66, Partly Cloudy - Max. Humidity: 59%
Fri - High 84 - Low 65, with Isolated T-Storms - Max. Humidity: 52%
Sat - High 78 - Low 63, with Isolated T-Storms - Max. Humidity: 46%
Sun - High 78 - Low 61, with Isolated T-Storms - Max. Humidity: 47%
Mon -High 80 - Low 64, Mostly Sunny - Max. Humidity: 52%
As our weather here in California has been much hotter I am not worried.
Weather at my house:
Sat - High 102 - Low 60 - Max. Humidity: 32%
Sun - High 101 - Low 65 - Max. Humidity: 29%
Mon - High 92 - Low 63 - Max. Humidity: 36%
a 15% to 20% humity increase isn't to bad... I think it will be nice out, I am just worried about these so called Isolated T-Storms .. any comments Prime?
Weather Forecast! Warren, Michigan, United States
Thur - High 87 - Low 66, Partly Cloudy - Max. Humidity: 59%
Fri - High 84 - Low 65, with Isolated T-Storms - Max. Humidity: 52%
Sat - High 78 - Low 63, with Isolated T-Storms - Max. Humidity: 46%
Sun - High 78 - Low 61, with Isolated T-Storms - Max. Humidity: 47%
Mon -High 80 - Low 64, Mostly Sunny - Max. Humidity: 52%
As our weather here in California has been much hotter I am not worried.
Weather at my house:
Sat - High 102 - Low 60 - Max. Humidity: 32%
Sun - High 101 - Low 65 - Max. Humidity: 29%
Mon - High 92 - Low 63 - Max. Humidity: 36%
a 15% to 20% humity increase isn't to bad... I think it will be nice out, I am just worried about these so called Isolated T-Storms .. any comments Prime?
There go’s 40 computers... I don't think it will be an issue, but just is soemthing that pops in my head