Help Server Admins help please...

mmaturenmmaturen Caracas, Venezuela.
edited June 2006 in Science & Tech
Hello, I have a huge problem going on the server at my office!!! But first let me give a little inside of how i ended up on this mess. I have been working on It for like a year, mostly doing win install and small LAN troubleshooting I worked with another guy that was in charge of the IT department. He did all the major stuff. Like 2 week ago I decided to quit and I got stuck with all the work while they get someone else....

but today as I was cleaning up use programs for our server I erased the Proxy server!!!(This was by mistake, I knew that’s how we connected to the internet,,,) And now there is no way to share the internet connection!!! And I can’t download proxy server form the net cause is no longer available...

So please I need help! I could loose my job come Monday... Is there another way to share my internet connection? We are running a win2000 server, on and were also running some admin programs of the server son I cant change anything on it, we use static’s IPn every machine... there’s like 40 machines. There is no problem on the lan connection and file sharing is ok....

So how can I share the internet connection, is connected to the server using a second lan card....

Can I connect it directly to the hub or do I need a router for that?

Help Please!!!

Thanks in advance...



  • mmaturenmmaturen Caracas, Venezuela.
    edited June 2006
    Bump... Help please!!
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited June 2006
    I hate to be a dick but you really shouldn't have screwed with something you knew nothing about.

    Servers are ment to be setup and left running till something fails.

    edit: I recomend checking out squid proxy but im not sure if they have a windows version.
  • mmaturenmmaturen Caracas, Venezuela.
    edited June 2006
    I know, and thats what I Did for the past 2 weeks, however the hdd spaced started to get bleed( I dont know how else to put it, every day I had less and less space on drive c, til on friday I only had lu 5 Mb. so the whole server started to slow down, yes I cleaned the temps files, ran ccleaner, but still had very little space. so I was un installing some un-used programsn when I got a phone call to do some troubleshooting over the phone and thast when it happened, Hope that some one can help....
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited June 2006
    Do you remember the name of the proxy software you uninstalled ?.
  • mmaturenmmaturen Caracas, Venezuela.
    edited June 2006
    yes, it was microsoft proxy server 2.0
  • EssoEsso Stockholm, Sweden
    edited June 2006
    I'm using this program to check the size of the folders.
    Folder Size Shell Extension

    After installation you will found it in the properties, extra tabulate "size".
    You can search through the hard disk, and see if you can find some folders that is larger then it should be.
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited June 2006
    mmaturen wrote:

    So how can I share the internet connection, is connected to the server using a second lan card....

    Can I connect it directly to the hub or do I need a router for that?

    If you don't know what you're doing and running out of space on C:\ and don't have the time to learn about a proxy server, why not just go get a router? Ignore the second NIC in the server, plug the internet into the WAN port of the router and everything else into the LAN ports. I'm sure you have either hubs or switches there to get all 40 computers networked.

    You'll still need to understand some networking basics (such as where you are going to run DHCP...the router or the could go either way).

    I also don't know why everyone has static IP's. I would think you'd go to auto addressing.
  • zero-counterzero-counter Linux Lubber San Antonio Member
    edited June 2006
    If you don't have the original install disks for the MS Proxy Server, a quick fix would be Analog X.
  • mmaturenmmaturen Caracas, Venezuela.
    edited June 2006
    Thanks to every one that gave me a reply, I have the net up amd running, I turnerd the win2000 server into a NAT router, as for all the space that was leaking of the c: drive It was a folder filled with porxy server logs...

    Thanks Once more..

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