ATI Radeon 9550 256MB Card Problem

edited July 2006 in Hardware

Ok, i am having problems with my ATI Radeon 9550, everything looks fine but when i play a game the screen goes blank and i have to re-start the PC to make it work.

Any suggestions on how to fix this problem? (I have downloaded the latest drivers and all) If anyone has suggestions and they work i will worship them! :respect:



  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited June 2006
    Are you on windows 9X or ME.
  • edited June 2006
    My OP is WinXP Home 5.1
  • edited July 2006
    can anyone else PLEASE help me!!
  • edited July 2006
    Have ran a few 9550 and 9250. Usually reasonable but had some odd problems with VIA lower end M chipsets, not usually reboots though.

    I would suggest removing all non essential H/W, i.e. Souncards etc, purging drivers and reinstalling them, sometimes the issue isnt always the GFX card driver even if it appears that way. Try OMEGA drivers.

    Try running ATI Tool and scan for artifacts, sounds possibly temperature related or possibly just a bad card.

    A fresh XP install with SP2 and Latest DX 9C, on a spare drive if you have one should be conclusive. Testing card in a mates PC is always helpful too.

    If AGP, turn off performace settings in BIOS like fastwrites, and maybe relax your memory timings just for testing.

    Hope this helps.
  • edited July 2006
    hey DCKC,
    Thanks for this information, I disabled the fastwrites and it has seemed to do the trick! Thank you!
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