HD is Locking up

edited June 2006 in Hardware
Hi All,
I hope someone can help. I'm installing a 40 GB HD into a friends machine. The HD will format and accept the 1st part of XP installation but when it reboots to continue the installation I get "error reading operating system". :rant:
I am wondering if the HD's mbr was rewrote when it was in the other computer and if I should format /mbr?? I did put this HD on my computer which is much newer and automatically goes to a raid system when a second HD is installed - could this have effected the mbr on this HD and will formating solve the problem????
Does anyone have any suggestions.
Thanks for the help


  • edited June 2006
    Fixed it - went to the XP install disk - used the repair feature - then fixmbr & fixboot - worked like a charm
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