PC just reboot by itself
My ACER aspire computer of abt 1 yr old just reboots by itself no matter what program i was using. And when it restarts, microsoft would send me an error report and suggest that i upgrade my BIOS. Sometimes i would be using the computer for few hours and nothing happens but on my bad days, it would just reboot the moment my PC start up. Plz help!

What skankinred mentioned about heat is well worth checking out. A few passes of Memtest-86 would be a good idea as well.
Its actually placed under my desk. But why is it that sometimes when i just start up the computer and it reboots.. Its not even warm up yet i think. So what would u recommend the solve the overheating. Why did microsoft send me an error report to upgrade my BIOS?
I think so too.. Im not sure how to access my computer BIOS to check for the voltage.
If you don't find one, don't be terribly surprised as many companies don't leave this section in their BIOS because most users will never require it, especially on laptops.
Does the PC reboot if it's on just battery power, just AC power, or both?
Ok. I will try that. BTW, Its AC power. Mine is a desktop.
Anyway, this is what the error report says :
Solution not found: consider BIOS Upgrade
Thank you for submitting an error report.
Problem description
Microsoft is unable to determine what specifically caused the problem you reported.
Consider BIOS Upgrade
During the crash analysis, we noticed the basic input/output (BIOS) system version on this computer does not match the specifications for the processor that is installed on your computer. This can occur when a newer processor is installed on an older system board or older BIOS. Using a BIOS that does not support the installed processor can result in Windows system crashes. Please contact your computer manufacturer or motherboard manufacturer for an updated version of BIOS for your computer's processor.
Do you have the exact model of your desktop? We might be able to track down a BIOS version for you, but I suspect that's just the tip of the iceberg.
What is the FSB (Front Side Bus) and Multiplier set at? What is the speed of the CPU in the computer?
I am going to suggest the following in order of how I would proceed.
So u think i should just change the power supply? It looks difficult with all the wiring...
So what abt the BIOS thing?
Answering the questions in my previous post would be helpful in advising you on that.
How do u check for these FSB and Multiplier? I tried typing FSB at my system information and everytime it reboots and its says something like "thread stuck..."
BTW, Mine is 3000MHz
CPU clock 1.7GHz
Pnp Bios Extension Root\SYSTEM\0003 Error Code:37
Where do i locate the FSB? Eveytime i type in search, my compter reboots.
I went to setting but couldnt find any settings on BIOS.
I saw current CPU Feq : 200MHZ
Current DRAM Freq : 166MHZ
System Manufacturer Acer
System Model Aspire T310
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~3000 Mhz
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~3000 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date Phoenix Technologies, LTD R01-B3, 1/14/2004
SMBIOS Version 2.3
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)"
User Name OEM-ENDJHT5AZB5\user
Time Zone Malay Peninsula Standard Time
Total Physical Memory 512.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 216.88 MB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
Page File Space 1.22 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
So u would recommend that i format my hard disk? Whats a bootable partition? Btw, did u always get the error report to upgrade ur bios?
Click the about tab and select Validation
then click save validation file
Proceed to step 2 and visit the validation web page link.
Enter a fake name if you wish and a fake email if you wish as well.
Upload the validation you saved in step 1 by clicking browse and then hitting publish online.
Paste the url of the page it gives you in this thread.
Also please visit Acer's website and use the link below to enter Desktop T310 and view your downloads for your system.
I see there is a FlashBIOS update. Even though it does not address your issue, it is probably worth it updating anyways.
Click on the FlashBios link.
Download the link to the zip file.
Create a bootable floppy
Copy the BIN file, EXE file to the floppy diskette
Boot from the floppy.
At the DOS prompt type:
awd824b ACS24B18.bin /sn/py/cc/cp/r/cd
Your bios will now be updated. I now suggest you go into the bios and click on "load optimized defaults" or something similiar to default settings. Then save and exit.
If you are still having problems post again, and we will try some other things.
I'd go for the PSU replacement option first.
Should i run that validation program??
I tried the program and this is the URL :