Chipset/BIOs Update?

Hey, folks, 1 quickie if I may. I am looking into upgrading the chipset and bios on my Asus A8N-E board and was wondering if I should delete the current chipset 6.5 before installin the new 6.7 version? Will the new install do this for me? The BIOS Im pretty ok with, just flash and go, hey? Thanx, all!
Athlon 64 3200+ Winchester @ 2350 MHZ
Asus A8N-E BIOS 1010 Chipset 6.5
2X512 OCZ433 Perf. Series @ 470MHZ
nVidia GeForce 7600GT PCI-e @ 800/1600
2x100GB Maxtor DMax SATA 150 HDDs
I guess Ill place the update on the back burner for now, or maybe take it off of the stove all together. Thanx again for the time.