Where'd you guys learn HTML and stuff?

V-PV-P State College, PA Member
edited July 2006 in Internet & Media
Where'd you guys learn HTML and stuff?


  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited July 2006
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    I used a little known search engine called Google and it helped find me loads of sites with tutorials and guides. I suggest you start by typing "html tutorial" into this search engine.. you never know.. might get lucky :)
  • V-PV-P State College, PA Member
    edited July 2006
    Shorty wrote:
    I used a little known search engine called Google and it helped find me loads of sites with tutorials and guides. I suggest you start by typing "html tutorial" into this search engine.. you never know.. might get lucky :)
    That's how I'm doing it right now, but I was just wondering if you guys took classes or something...
  • HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    Here's a site that I used to learn enough to post news and such at Icrontic.
    I didn't get into it real deep, but this site has lots of info.
    On the left you'll see the primers.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    I started by building sites in Dreamweaver, and then I started learning what code it was generating. I still use Dreamweaver to save time, but I can just as easily do it in notepad.
  • V-PV-P State College, PA Member
    edited July 2006
    Hawk wrote:
    Here's a site that I used to learn enough to post news and such at Icrontic.
    I didn't get into it real deep, but this site has lots of info.
    On the left you'll see the primers.
    Would you believe that I just bookmarked that site before I read your post?
  • V-PV-P State College, PA Member
    edited July 2006
    Thrax wrote:
    I started by building sites in Dreamweaver, and then I started learning what code it was generating. I still use Dreamweaver to save time, but I can just as easily do it in notepad.
    I tend to look at a website's source codes if I like it so thats sort of similar.
  • jhenryjhenry California's Wine Country
    edited July 2006
    I took two classes at my college, Building Business Websites I & II, and learned a bit about HTML and Dreamweaver. I got hired for a job as a website designer at a flight simulator group back in early 03. Then, I basically had to relearn everything, but learned it practically this time instead of the school style HTML (tables).

    From there, I thought myself PHP and MySQL, both from books and from the online documentation. I learned the MySQLi interface from reading the documentation online.

    I reccommend reading the online documentations if you have a technical mind. Otherwise, find a good book, preferably one of the Dummies series or something by O'Reilly. They may have some fluff, but you'll get a great intro and you'll start getting that techical mindset.
  • V-PV-P State College, PA Member
    edited July 2006
    jhenry wrote:
    I took two classes at my college, Building Business Websites I & II, and learned a bit about HTML and Dreamweaver. I got hired for a job as a website designer at a flight simulator group back in early 03. Then, I basically had to relearn everything, but learned it practically this time instead of the school style HTML (tables).

    From there, I thought myself PHP and MySQL, both from books and from the online documentation. I learned the MySQLi interface from reading the documentation online.

    I reccommend reading the online documentations if you have a technical mind. Otherwise, find a good book, preferably one of the Dummies series or something by O'Reilly. They may have some fluff, but you'll get a great intro and you'll start getting that techical mindset.

    I got a Flash, CSS, and Dreamweaver book from the dummies series.
  • jhenryjhenry California's Wine Country
    edited July 2006
    There's a book called Dreamweaver: Hands on Training that was the required coursebook in my business website class. It gives you a very thorough knowledge of DW, but it doesn't teach you the best practices. You could def. learn something from it if you don't know Dreamweaver well.

    Otherwise, find a book that has HTML and CSS together. The goal is to start out right, and most books teach you to use tables for layout. That usage is very bad practice, and it sticks if you learn it from the beginning. That's why I reccommend starting with CSS and then using tables for their intended purpose: data display. (Not layout!) You do not want to have to unlearn it, it is terrible.
  • citrixmetacitrixmeta Montreal, Quebec Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    i was using a great application called hotdog pro, back in 94 i think.
  • V-PV-P State College, PA Member
    edited July 2006
    citrixmeta wrote:
    i was using a great application called hotdog pro, back in 94 i think.
    Downloading trials now. They have a product that lets 6 year olds build websites. Now I can share my "Bob The Builder" collectibles!
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    Disassemble Johnny Five.
  • edited July 2006
    I learned HTML by reading it...par exemplum: Right click /> View Source.
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