internet allocation
i'm using a buffalo router and sharing the network with 2 of my housemates.the problem of having 3 computers sharing on the same adsl base network is that its make the internet running slower and slower,especially when one of the user keep on downloading mp3,movie,****stuffs etc(which is making me sick!!).how can i make my allocation to the network more effective than the 2 other?also...kind a like bad person but...can i allocate a slower internet speed to one of my housemate access to the internet??
1) Either your router supports throttling to certain machines on the network
2) Install a throttling program on their PC to limit the bandwidth
3) Set up a machine in the middle like I said
I mean, what exactly are you expecting?
by the way...from the three options expecting the 1st one...
Packet Filtering/Conditioning would do what he needs, i.e. throttling the speed available to things on different ports, although I doubt it has that option.
QoS is Quality of Service. What that means, is that it gives you a dependable quality of service by limiting the ammount of bandwidth allowed to each port on the router, or some do it by ip. That is probably your best bet. To get a router with QoS, if yours does not support it.
And dont forget, if you are paying for the internet, you always have the right to jerk their ethernet cable out.:D
You'd think so wouldn't you? On my router (a draytek) and most others I've seen though packet filtering only allows you to allow / deny various packets based on their IP / port, not set bandwidth or anything like that.