Another One (is about to) Bites The Dust..

airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
edited July 2006 in Hardware
Yeh, the 160GB Maxtor in my parents hp started issueing the click of death about 4 days ago, and my lovely mom thought it wise to wait until tonight to tell me about it, especially since all of our pictures and ireplacable files are on it, luckily, I got all of it off and burned to a dvd.

Right now I'm just running a diagnostic utility on it, I want to see if I can just put the final bullet in its head and finish it off. Because 1 of two things are going to happen when it dies.
  1. My mom is bluffing and I get to buy a new hard drive to put in it.
  2. My mom is not bluffing, and it turns into a useless pos(it's already almost there) and I get to watch my brother suffer for not being on the computer, and I get my sweet sweet revenge. Then after a few months, I scoop up the computer, take it to my room, and buy a hdd for it.

Either way, it is going to work out nicely, although, I am hoping for #2. This is not to much of a surprise being a hp and all.


  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    Well, after 3 hours of runing hdd utilities and drive stressers/benchmarkers, I think the deed is done. We shall see how the story unfolds now.
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