Announcement XPLite/2000 Is Here
In the studio or on a stage
With XPlite and 2000lite we give YOU the power to set up YOUR machine the way YOU want! The power to remove unwanted features, the power to remove upgrades that go bad, the power to strip potential security and privacy threats out by the roots.
Microsoft locked Windows away from you...
...We have the keys:XPlite and 2000lite Professional
Microsoft locked Windows away from you...
...We have the keys:XPlite and 2000lite Professional
First, this XP/2k version is brand new and I have not used it. However 98Lite has been around forever and that I do know a thing or two about.
PClite is a company that allows you to "strip" components in windows that microsoft dosen't. It's about removing modules that include files and registry entries that take up valuable seek time resources. I'm currently working on a stripped version of 98SE with an under 40MB install foot print. It is fast and stable on a 333MHZ CPU box and is much faster than my bloated 500MHz CPU box and 1000MHz CPU box. It is designed for one task only (DAW) But this is an extreme example.
This product is for people who want a more dedicated computer,
XP is vastly more customizable than 98 from the start, but if you reallyy study PC lite's complete website you'll get a much bigger picture of the pros/cons of stripping down the fundamental O/S.
Tweak UI 1.33 (For win9x) dose not do what 98 lite does.
You install it after installing XP and service packs but you can install service packs after (98lite allows to be loaded before Win98 install via A:\).
I don't know what XP-anti spy is but this program is not really a maintenance program. Kinda set it once and your're done. It dosen't run in the background just as regedit dosen't run in the background.
I'm not affiliated with PC lite in any way.
Basically, nothing extremely new here except that it's all condensed into one handy application.
Edit: Looks pretty cool, but hardly anything new, and the fact that it isn't 100% freeware is again a bit of a put off. I noticed a few options and stuff that I haven't currently got with my other utilities, but nothing I couldn't really do manually. For the novice though, it looks to be a handy piece of kit.
Thanks for showing it to us Merrick, it's a nice find.
I'll be keeping an eye on XPlite and if they claim a new update with something really interesting I'll post.
Well back to my EOS 30MB Win 95-98-ME combination install experiment. Almost done and so far so good.
I would hardly call you novice bud. If I did, then it would be like calling myself unattractive to women, and lets face it, we all know that ain't true.;)
I was out of town all this time and thinking that you might think I thought you meant novice about me . I worded it wrong but it was too late to get to a prompt. Sorry it took so long to get back, yeah I know you were using the word in a much more general way. Though Lord knows I can be a novice at times anyway!
Can't we all.;)
I'd say that, plus disabiling ACPI in the BIOS (careful, you may want to do it in conjunction with a fresh install) and using 999MB RAM on a win 98SE core system is the way to go. As far as stripping, well that's another thing. Some things are obvious, some are not, and if you are really into it, you can replace a lot of system files with ME files.
My machine is insanely fast, and stable but as I've said in other posts, When Adobe Audition and Cubase (Unless Adobe Audition 2.0 will support VSTi, then I'd scrap Steinberg altogether) go pure 64bit, then I'll scrap my 9x aspirations and go with XP 64 bit but I think that scenario is still a year away at least IMHO
I'd say that, plus disabiling ACPI in the BIOS (careful, you may want to do it in conjunction with a fresh install) and using 999MB RAM on a win 98SE core system is the way to go. As far as stripping, well that's another thing. Some things are obvious, some are not, and if you are really into it, you can replace a lot of system files with ME files.
Yes I've tried the 95 shell, amazing! I tried to install my EMU drivers with a halt from the driver "Xp only" so thanks to you guys tried the XPlite. I clicked almost everything save media related stuff and did the standard rec treaks from an article. Like: clear DLLs, disable scads of services etc. If I could trick the EMU install into thinking I had XP I'd consider stickin with thayt.
There's and I think there was an article on the Cubase site too. But I'm a freak about this and would like to absolutely maximize this area involving Windows. Thank you XPLite. Maybe we could move this thread to it's proper forum and compile a prescription list but I'm no expert on this. :smokin:
Did you ever contact EMU to see if they had a 9x driver? SOmetimes they have something lying around as an unsuppoerted beta etc,
Yeah a digital audio forum would be cool at Short-Media
What other forums do you haunt?
I would be willing to entertain the idea of a pro audio subforum. I'll have to pass it by the other two admins
It seems to me that computer tinkering people who relate to media production are more often video content orientated and out number audio orientated people greatly. E.g. Emedia magazine is 95% video with an occasional sub par audio app review. In the music trade magazines (Mix, EM, SOS, Pro Sound etc.) there is usually a resident 'puter writer who covers software/hardware on a tweaking, geeking level, that is usually buried in the back of the mag somwhere.
I've really searched around for a forum or publication that delt with optimizing O/S (as you know from my past 9x insanity) but it just dosen't seem to exist (in the old days 98 lite had an open forum but they closed it down about three years ago
I guess what I'm saying is that the very real niche of audio DAW tweaking is quite a slim bunch and might not warrant such a forum, on the other hand, as of now I know of no forum that addresses the issue. I myself would love to hang around such a forum but I could not help in a more responsible way at this time.