Case wires to MOBO...Where ????
Hi all, my name is POTMAN and I have built a few computers including this one I am using but recently I bought a new case ready for my next build. I have now fitted the motherboard to the case including memory and processor plus the fan. My problem is that the case I have assembled this in is called a AERO COOL cae (model MAGIC) which has built in side fan and many wires to connect to presumably the motherboard which will operate the three different lights for the case,the front USB's , the front camera port and then mic and audio plugs. WHERE DO ALL THESE WIRES PLUG INTO ? Can anyone help me on this, thanks in anticipation POTMAN.:ukflag:
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Each motherboard comes out with a manual, which states where to plug what.
Cases tend to be pretty much the same with all the (confusing) wiring. Generally you will have:"Power led, HDD led, Reset switch, Power switch and speaker". These normally get plugged into a set of pins located near the bottom right of the mobo. (check mobo manual).
Same for audio, usb and firewire. It looks confusing, but it should also have some very hard to read print on the mobo as to where the plugs go, unless you have young eyes with 20/20 vision and can see it easy enough, lol.
And Mt_Goat, I absolutely love your idea of having a unified connector.
Sorry for not answering your question. I now realize that I unintentionally skipped over the end of your post. dragonv8 and profdlp are absolutely correct in respect to the best way to go about going about doing it. I have built hundreds of boxes and still refer to the motherboard manual for making my connections correctly. The leads on the case wires are almost always marked as to where they go and every board amnual has a diagram listing the pin confiuration on the board itself. If you lost or don't have the manual you can always download it from the manufacturers site.
My mobo is a NEW Asrock AM2XLI . The case is a MAGIC 3D Aero Cool with swich for three different coloured lights, fan,camra plug,2 USB's and audio mic also. The wires from the hinged mesh front panel are as follows: Small black motherboard connector type plug housing four wires and marked VCC, USB2-, USB2+ and GND plus a 5th floating lead from the GND. these wires are flexed together. The next plug is the same again.The third one is a bunch of 7 wires flexed together each with a single black plug that fits the pins on the motherboard.The seven are marked as follows. VG, VP, TPA+(x2), TPB-(x2) and finally a GND. The final bunch have 5 wires and 2 floating leads as follows. EAR L, EAR R, (both with a floating lead from them and the next three are...MIC DATA, MIC VCC and GND. Do you know where all these might go on the motherboard named above.Thanks,The POTMAN.
If you can find us a diagram of the board configuration, or if you can take some pictures that clearly show the text that surrouns the pins on the board, then we sould be able to tell you how to connect the leads.
POTMAN, they give you that manual for a reason.