hdd thinks theres two windows installs
ok i have a big problem.. i got a harddirve from a freind, and tried put it on so i had two harddrives. one for os one for storge. this was a hdd used in past by freind.
so i hooked it up as slave, put in widnwos boot cd and formatted it as nfts and than ti put windows sytem files on it.. and than it would ask me which os to boot into.. so i couldnt figure out how fix it. so i unhooked new hdd, problem is.
depsite i tnot being hooked in. it still ask me for which os (both windows xp)
how do i fix this?
so i hooked it up as slave, put in widnwos boot cd and formatted it as nfts and than ti put windows sytem files on it.. and than it would ask me which os to boot into.. so i couldnt figure out how fix it. so i unhooked new hdd, problem is.
depsite i tnot being hooked in. it still ask me for which os (both windows xp)
how do i fix this?
Under [operating systems] you should see the option you don't want it to show. Delete that line and only that line. If you want help, you can post the contents of your boot.ini here and someone will tell you what to remove.
Make sure you get the right one, or your next question is going to be "How do I do a Repair Install".
and i already had to do a repair install today.