The mysterious case of the dissappearing southpark episodes...
A very mysterious thing came to my attention this morning. My flatmate used to have almost every episode of southpark on his HDD. But when we stumbled home half-drunk this morning after a hard nights drinking at my friend's house after watching the world cup final (Zizou what were you thinking?), they were ALL gone. Nothing left but a big fat wedge of free space on his data drive. The wierd thing is, nothing else appears to be missing. Only the southparks have gone. As I'm sure you can imagine, we are both in a state of shock. Does anyone have any idea what could have happened? Like me, he has his PC and broadband connection always on. Could someone have hacked his PC and just deleted it all? Perhaps a malicious Scientologist with a mission to stop people all over the world from ever watching southpark again?
If anyone can think what might have happened, my flatmate and I will be forever in your debt. I realise nothing will bring our beloved southparks back, but really all we're looking for is a sense of closure, so that we can put this behind us and move on. We are already in a state of emotional freefall: I keep burning myself with cigarettes, and mikey has eaten nothing but sand since this happened.
I beg you...
help. :bawling:
If anyone can think what might have happened, my flatmate and I will be forever in your debt. I realise nothing will bring our beloved southparks back, but really all we're looking for is a sense of closure, so that we can put this behind us and move on. We are already in a state of emotional freefall: I keep burning myself with cigarettes, and mikey has eaten nothing but sand since this happened.
I beg you...
help. :bawling:
Cheers for the help.