PS3 and 360 in PC terms

edited July 2006 in Hardware
Hi there :ukflag:

Can anyone put the Xbox 360 and the PS3 into PC terms for me. IE my PC is an AMD Venice, 7900GT with 2 gig of RAM.

IE I believe the PS3 has a modified SLI 6800 Ultra graphics card but what's its CPU equivelent too.

And what of the 360 CPU/GPU



  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    You can, but cant really compare a pc to a console. The console is built to play games and play games only, a pc must be able to do so much more, for example, a ps2's processor and video processing would be considered inadequate if on a computer, but in the console, it could process a game find. Really, I just like to stick with computers, because If I am going to spend $$$ on some equipment to play games, I might as well spend it so that I can do other things as well. Such as edit videos, Email, Type a report. I think the console as it is might be doomed because why have a purpose built machine, when a pc can do it just as good if not better along with hundreds of other tasks. Not to mention possibly higher resolution.

    for example just about all tv's now are SD, or standard definition runing 720x480, or 480i, progressive scan dvd players bump it up to 480p. 720x480 gives you 345,600 pixels. ED, which is enhanced definition is 720p, which was kind of a transition that no one really bought into. My monitor on my computer is just a 15" monitor, which is sub par now days, and I am fixing to upgrade, but even it runs at 1024x768 which scans progressively. that gives me 786,432 pixels roughly 2.27 times the useable pixels or resolution.

    Now lets say that the monitor I buy is a 20.1" widescreen lcd that runs 1680x1050 progressively scanning. that gives me 1.76 million pixels. That is 2.3 times the resolution of my monitor now, or 5 times the resolution of a regular tv, that is why hd is ushering in. at 1920x1080 which comes to be 2.07 million pixels. Which can be had in computer monitors too, but they cost for that extra 300,000 pixels. I guess that this in no way answered your post, but I have a feeling you were trying to decide whether or not to get a next gen console. My sugestion is that you pass it up and spend the money on a monitor that is widescreen with at least 1680x1050 resolution. Because If you buy a next gen console, you wont see much improvement in image quality until you buy a hd tv. Which will put you out at least another grand.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    The current console gen (by current I mean PS3/360/WII) is probably the most specialized, purpose built generation yet. You can't really compare them with PCs. The 360 for example is a 3 core custom-designed PowerPC chip. You couldn't even, say, run Windows on it, or Mac OS, or Linux (although some hardcore nerd out there will probably eventually write a custom linux distro for it). The PS3's hardware is even more exotic.

    What kind of comparison do you want? Games will always be optimized to run as perfectly as possible in their console incarnations - the developers have a closed box, a predictable platform to work with. Some games will naturally LOOK better on a PC because the ceiling is theoretically limitless, but framerates and experience will usually be more consistent on the console version.

    If there is a game that is available for both PC and console, most of the time I prefer the PC version, especially shooters. The console is way better for having a "fun" experience - sitting around the TV with friends, etc. The 360 is much easier for finding reliable multiplayer experiences and you can just sit down and play without having to worry too much about stuff.

    I like both PC gaming and console gaming, as you can tell :crazy:
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    The GPU power in the PS3 is a G71 Chip which is a 7800GTX-7900GTX... modded to what they are calling the RSX
  • edited July 2006
    Hi fellas and thanks for the answere.

    @ Airborn

    I have the dell 3007 that can do many times the resolution of the PS3 and no doubt the PS4 too in years to come. I think it has twice the ability of 1080P. I do agree that whats high def by console standards is pritty laughable in the world of PCs

    On the PS3 you can surf the web and email and chat like MSN messenger and web cam etc. Im not sure about word processing but the gap has certainly narrowed. The ability is there now thanks to USB for mouse and keyoard etc.

    Infact the next gen only placefalls down IMO is the lack of upgradability. IE They may be great now but in two or three years time they will only rival that of a medium PC


    I too like consol and pc gaming even commadore amiga gaming! Its the games that interest me and other than that there all just electronics that come in boxes.

    I will say this.

    BF2 on my (or any) high end PC is an amazing experience!!

    I'll add

    When it works!!!!!!!!!

    PCs are about as tempromental as my wife.
    One day everythings fine the next something doesn't work or the blue screen of death apears. Add to this you could make a cup of tea before your £1000-3000 machine even makes a start and then, the worsted bit, I hate sitting at my desk on a rock solid computer chair for hours on end. The settee is so much more comfy.

    Now whilst PCs are better can you reallly be bothered with the hassle? A consol is the only true plug and play bit of kit ever made. Like I say above too, the gap in certainly narrowing with the internet options of the PS3, along with the web cam Email etc etc

    Only thing missing is the ability to type letters and edit photos unless your a pro user IE pro musician or something, then a PC is still streets ahead.

    Anyhow, were right of initial subject here but I appreciated yoiur long replies that must of taken you some time to write and I always like to hear diff points of view etc.


    PS - here in UK it is a sunny day for once. I have so typed this in the garden and can't hardly see the screen, but i'm not complaining haha, just excuse any typos.:buck:
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    Enjoy the sun. It is extremely hot here. ~100F (~38 C) and TOO sunny :D
  • TimTim Southwest PA Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    From what I've heard, the original Xbox uses a 733 Mhz Celeron processor and 64 MB of RAM. WAY too little if you think about it in PC computers terms, but it seems to work fine for games.

    I play Halo 2, and there can easily be a lot of scenes with huge amounts of video action going on all over the place.

    Anyone know what sort of video card is in an Xbox? Not a 360 Xbox.
  • edited July 2006
    Hi Tim,

    I think you've just proved the first replies saying how it is impossible to compare the both together.

    I mean, show me the Celeron that can run graphics like those, with half a gig or RAM never mind 64MB

  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited July 2006
    Tim wrote:
    From what I've heard, the original Xbox uses a 733 Mhz Celeron processor and 64 MB of RAM. WAY too little if you think about it in PC computers terms, but it seems to work fine for games.

    I play Halo 2, and there can easily be a lot of scenes with huge amounts of video action going on all over the place.

    Anyone know what sort of video card is in an Xbox? Not a 360 Xbox.

    actually a p3 not celeron. Believe me, youd think I'm a retard from reading my posts here, but xbox is the one thing I know alot about. I do alot of modding and other work with them.
  • TimTim Southwest PA Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    tmh88 - yes, P3 / Celeron, I could never keep it straight. Never thought about it often enough. It IS a 733, though, right?

    I read somewhere on an Xbox forum once that it can be modded with more RAM, and up to 1400 Mhz of processor speed. Any truth to that? How about improving / overclocking the video card?

    Mine works fine as is, and I'm not going to bust the case open before the 1 year warranty expires, but I'd like to find out what you can tell me about modding the Xbox. A friend of mine has one that has been taken apart in the past, so maybe we'll do something to his.

    Got any links to good mod pages?
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited July 2006
    tmh88 wrote:
    actually a p3 not celeron. Believe me, youd think I'm a retard from reading my posts here, but xbox is the one thing I know alot about. I do alot of modding and other work with them.
    Accuraly it has half the cache of a celeron and debian gives it the same score in bogomips as a mobile celeron 733.
  • edited July 2006

    I had a modded xbox. It was superb - havent as clue why I sold it.

    You can view it in 720P if you want to way ahead of the 360. You can watch divX/Xvids etc etc. Infact there are loads of reasons to unlock one as MS restriced enough content to make it worth whilst unlocking even if you never touch a copied game or back up etc. (personally, I didnt. everyones view is different but i felt and still do that if no one buys say, the original of PES 5 then there won't be a PES 6)


    You can run it as a Linux OS PC!!
    My fav - Homebrew - You can play all your old emulatror (Amiga/SNES/Megadrive/Genisus etc etc) games

    I was playing SWOS (sensi world of soccer) all the time, bugger the new releses or am I showing my age now :]

    The above is one of many great sites dedicated the the serioulsly inhibited resale Xbox as opposed to the unlocked power house you can have.

    Hope this gets you started tim

  • TimTim Southwest PA Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    I'm not really interested in modding my Xbox to play DVDs or bootleg games or whatever. I just head that they can be overclocked and have more RAM added and I was curious about that.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    If you're not interested in anything other than gaming on it, then why on earth would you overclock it? It wouldn't change the game experience at all.
  • edited July 2006
    Yeah I am wondering that 2^^^^^^

    I mean if you overclock a PC and add ram then you get more frames a sec etc so you game runs smoother.
    (I can't be bothered with the hassle of OCing just for 2% better performance.)

    As far as I know, consols frames limited to a certain number anyhow (IE 30FPS or something) so no matter how fast the CPU or even with an extra 2 GB of RAM it will change nothing.
  • TimTim Southwest PA Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    I don't know, I just thought that maybe overclocking the Xbox a little would reduce lag and help me do a little better in Halo 2.

    After playing for about 10 months, I'm ranked at an 11 in Team Snipers and a 10 in Rumble Pit.:eek2:
  • drasnordrasnor Starship Operator Hawthorne, CA Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    Tim wrote:
    Anyone know what sort of video card is in an Xbox?
    I remember reading it was a GeForce 3.

    I really have to disagree that HD resolutions are pitiful compared to computer ones. I prefer 720p (1280x720) over the 800x600 and 1024x768 most of the people I know run. Then there's 1080p (1920x1080) which is nearly what I run now (1920x1200). Those aren't low resolutions in my opinion.

    The PS2 and Xbox both manage Linux competently and I imagine that the 360 and PS3 will as well. I mean, my PS/2 (IBM 9577) can run X without much trouble and it has only a fraction of the power those consoles offer.

    -drasnor :fold:
  • edited July 2006
    @ Tim

    Thats a good ranking mate - Nice one!! :rockon:

    I don't think adding RAM or OC would help your cause though.
    Lag in my PC gaming experience is normally caused by my connectiong being slow or someone elses.

    You can have the fastest connection say a T3 but if one of the players in game has a slow connection and generates a high ping time it slows everyone down and generates lag as the server tries to piece whats happening in the game together. Your game is as strong as the weakest link to some extent.

    Im into BF2 on the PC and they have a feature caled auto kick. IE anyone with a ping time of say over 200 gets kicked off even though they have done nothing wrong just to avoid lagging the game server and so lagging everyone else.

    To complicate this more, all of you could have uber connections and if someone trys to connect from a country far away (or worse, a galaxy far far away - sorry couldn't resist;) ) then there ping time may be higher as it takes longer to due to the distance for the signal to reach the game server and thus gives a much higher ping time.
    Again,a higher ping time no matter how generated results in lag

    Basically, what Im saying is that from my experience, Lag is a part of on-line gaming that can't be cured by you personally upgrading.
    With a consol (PC's are different) if you have got the fastest and most reliable connection you can get, then you have pritty much done everything you can.

    Acctually there is one more thing you can do.
    Play on servers in your own contry.
    If you from a huge contry like America or Australia etc then try connecting to the nearest professional/well rated server you can with the lowest overall ping time

    If you want lag free, come to one of my LAN parties, or anyone elses - gaurenteed no lag!!

    This is due to the speeds of the LAN being (normally) around 100 meg as opposed to that of a DSL internet connection, avaeraging a pittly 2 meg (here in UK anyway)
    Some LANs run at a whole gig (1000Meg) and this is 500 times faster than DSL!!!!!!!!
    I think Japan have the fastest consumer connection at around 40meg so the average bog standard LAN is still more than twice as fast!

    Also the distances are very short for the PC to the server as everyone is in the same room/hall, so you can see how lag isnt a problem at LAN parties.

    Surely a man with your Halo record attends these parties already though.

    @ Dransor

    Hi there.:D

    Yep, my mistake.
    When I mentioned consol res pitiful compared to PCs I was more refering to the Xbox and PS2 rather than the next gen.

    720p and 1080p are great resolutions for gaming I totally agree.
    PCs can always do more but thats due to there upgradability but I personally still only use 1080P as anythign more cost's money for uber in IMO over the top GFX.
    I do agree with you re 720P and up being a good gaming res, I should of made my original comment more clear.

    I hear the PS3 will make use of Linux and also allow homebrew.
    Now if this is true this will realy be something unlike the PSP that diliberatly doesn't!
    Thats why I got a DS so thanks to Sony limiting the PSP Nintendo 1 Sony 0


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