Holy Crap...

airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
edited July 2006 in Hardware
Okay, you all know that I am working on my friends laptop, well, I opened the sucker to pull the hdd out, well, I got it out, and as I was about to put the cover back on, I noticed something green, I thought it was just a cap at first, but then I saw that it was a thumb tack...holy shi!t, how did that get in there. It could have came in through where the battery goes, but it appears that it might be to small to fit through, it could have happened at the manugacture, but I think it was his fault, because he lets little kids from the church on his laptop, I am surprised the thing didnt short out and fry. the pin from the thumb tack was under the mini pci slot that the wireless card plugs into, which just happens to be above the bios and battery....he is damn lucky.

I'm not sure, but I think that may have something to do with why the wireless wouldnt work. I couldnt get it to work for anything...I dunno....when I saw that I was like...omfg:eek:

I would have taken a picture, but my parents left for Cozumel today, and they took the camera with them, and left me here:Pwned:
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