(axis) Return object in WS, with style="wrapped" use="literal"

edited July 2006 in Internet & Media
I can return objects in a web service with bean serializer (in wsdd file)

<service name="MyService" provider="java:RPC">
<!-- more things-->
<typeMapping deserializer="org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory"

But I need too send soap header as
I send soap headers sucessfull, but for it I have to add in <service> the parameters...

<service name="MyService" provider="java:RPC" style="wrapped" use="literal">

When I add these parameter, the return of my webservices is not a object in xml, It return only a 0 number.

Do you know how solve it?

Hip Hop


  • edited July 2006
    we need more info.

    what version of axis?
    can we see either the WSDL or the jws file?
    can we see client code?

    your client may not be sending the proper parameters to the service, or your service is either returning an improper object or an error of some sort.

    by the way, i have a brief tutorial on how to set up jboss 4.x with ejb3 enpoints exposed as web services. it's much more flexible than axis. the example i give is for a document literal wrapped service, which is exacty what it looks like you are trying to make. i can post it here or pm you if you'd like.
  • edited July 2006
    gotta love those hit-and-runs
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2006
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