External IP

ParanoidIronManParanoidIronMan Moon Twp, Pennsylvania (Go Steelers!)
edited July 2006 in Science & Tech
I have my RCA router connected to a microsoft wireless router, and I want to forward some ports, so would I forward them on the RCA router or the wireless router? Also, is it possible to change settings on the rca router through a laptop which is connected wirelessly to the wireless router?


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    the rca router is probably not a router. It's probably your cable modem. You probably want to log in to your Microsoft router and forward the ports there. No, you won't be able to access the rca device from your laptop, since it exists on a different network.
  • ParanoidIronManParanoidIronMan Moon Twp, Pennsylvania (Go Steelers!)
    edited July 2006
    the rca router is probably not a router. It's probably your cable modem. You probably want to log in to your Microsoft router and forward the ports there. No, you won't be able to access the rca device from your laptop, since it exists on a different network.
    Okay well how would I log into the Microsoft router, if posibble, wirelessly. I foudn my ip via ipconfig, but when i type it in, I get server not found.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    your IP is not what you are trying to access - you need to go to your "default gateway" address. Type ipconfig /all at a command prompt and then go to a web browser and type in your default gateway IP.
  • ParanoidIronManParanoidIronMan Moon Twp, Pennsylvania (Go Steelers!)
    edited July 2006
    Still nothing. Connection times out. ...
  • V-PV-P State College, PA Member
    edited July 2006
    Is it even possible to logon to it wirelessly?
  • edited July 2006
    You may want to consult the documentation for your router.

    Just as long as you are wirelessly connected to your wireless router, you can configure it wirelessly. To do so, look for your default gateway IP (as primsesuspect said, ipconfig /all in command prompt). Open your browser and type in http://default gateway ip here and you should get to the configuration screen or a log in screen. If not, consult documentation for your router.
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