upload SD card via PCI bus
Hey folks,
I have a 4GB SD card on my digital camera, and it takes forever and a day to upload a full card via the external USB interface.
I'm thinking since the PCI bus is rated so much faster than the USB system, that it would make sense to have a card reader which interfaces with the PCI bus...but I can't find one annnnnywhere. (Alright, I did find the delkin on this page: http://www.shopping.com/xPP-memory_adapter--bay_internal_card_reader-host_interface__list__pci , but I'm not totally convinced that it means what it says.)
Anybody know of a product that'll do the job here? I do see this usb card here, btw: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16815102202 , which claims 480Mbit/s (up to)... that's 58MB/s, right? Which seems insanely fast. Should I go for that?
I have a 4GB SD card on my digital camera, and it takes forever and a day to upload a full card via the external USB interface.
I'm thinking since the PCI bus is rated so much faster than the USB system, that it would make sense to have a card reader which interfaces with the PCI bus...but I can't find one annnnnywhere. (Alright, I did find the delkin on this page: http://www.shopping.com/xPP-memory_adapter--bay_internal_card_reader-host_interface__list__pci , but I'm not totally convinced that it means what it says.)
Anybody know of a product that'll do the job here? I do see this usb card here, btw: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16815102202 , which claims 480Mbit/s (up to)... that's 58MB/s, right? Which seems insanely fast. Should I go for that?