IT Girls Calendar Provokes e-Rumpus

profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
edited July 2006 in Science & Tech
As reported here at Short-Media last week, a calendar designed to raise money for charity and featuring women working in the IT field has raised quite a fuss in some circles. Despite suffering a DoS attack, the ladies are determined to carry on while continuing to take it off.
An unholy rumpus has broken out over a "controversial calendar showcasing the sexy side of women who work in the IT sector", The Age reports.

The Screen Goddess 2006 collection features IT gals flaunting themselves in various movie-related poses, such as that of Kim Sheree, CEO of ICT Ecosystems, seen here as Marilyn Monroe. It's the brainchild of IT professional Sonja Bernhardt who wanted to "parody glamorous female movie stars in a bid to smash the perception of the geeky technologist" while raising cash for "non-profit groups running initiatives to encourage women to pursue careers in IT".

Fair enough, we reckon. However, not everyone is entirely happy with the project, as demonstrated by a targeted, US-based denial-of-service attack last Friday which almost brought the Screen Goddess website to its knees. A "rattled" Berhardt said: "We welcome debate on the calendar and the issues it raises, but our opponents should allow people to decide for themselves in an open forum, not just try to knock us down."

The apparent focus of ire is the American Beauty-style cover, featuring helpdesk manager Sonja Breeze whose modesty is protected by strategically-placed rose petals. This outrage provoked the Australian Computer Society (ACS) to withdraw its sponsorship of the calendar, despite agreeing there is a "growing shortage of women in IT".

Nice to see the gang over at The Register catching up to Short-Media's on-the-spot reporter dragonV8.

Link: IT Screen Goddesses Calendar

Source: The Register


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