Microsoft Announces Zune

In an exclusive interview with Billboard magazine that appeared only in print today, MSN entertainment marketing vice president Chris Stephenson officially stated Microsoft is indeed working on an MP3 player device to compete with Apple's Ipod
Source: TG Daily
Very intresting news for the MP3 market, But I am sure Apple has seen this coming."Today we confirmed a new music and entertainment project called Zune," Stephenson said later in a statement released by request to reporters. "Under the Zune brand, we will deliver a family of hardware and software products, the first of which will be available this year. We see a great opportunity to bring together technology and community to allow consumers to explore and discover music together."
Stephenson's statement, and the Billboard story which preceded it, effectively confirms information released by BetaNews late last night. Reuters states that the description of this device is in keeping with information it learned last month from record company executives who said they were witness to a demonstration of the device from Microsoft.
Source: TG Daily
Why hasn't someone booted and banned this weasel yet??
He smoked him so hard he left no trace of him