MySpace Ad Infects Million+ With Spyware

If you still haven't gotten around to adding January's security patches to your computer you might take this as a not-so-subtle hint.
Source: Washington Post
An online banner advertisement that ran on and other sites over the past week used a Windows security flaw to infect more than a million users with spyware when people merely browsed the sites with unpatched versions of Windows, according to data collected by iDefense, a Verisign company.
Michael La Pilla, an iDefense "malcode" analyst, said he first spotted the attack Sunday while browsing MySpace on a Linux-based machine. When he browsed a page headed with an ad for, his browser asked him whether he wanted to open a file called exp.wmf. Microsoft released a patch in January to fix a serious security flaw in the way Windows renders WMF (Windows Metafile) images, and online criminal groups have been using the flaw to install adware, keystroke loggers and all manner of invasive software for the past seven months.
Internet Explorer users who visited a Web page containing this ad and whose IE was not equipped with the WMF patch would not get that warning. Rather, their machines would silently download a Trojan horse program that installs junk software in the PurityScan/ClickSpring family of adware. This stuff bombards the user with pop-up ads and tracks their Web usage. Only a little more than half of the anti-virus programs used at anti-virus testing service flagged the various programs that the Trojan tried to download as malicious or suspicious.

Source: Washington Post
i never got a popup asking me what i wanted to do with the wmf file
If you don't have Firefox set to automatically install crap like that (and I'm not even sure if you can set it that way), you should be alright.
yet another reason to use firefox over ie
On a related note, I'm sure our SVT Swat Team could use some volunteers. A great way to fight back against this junk is to help the victims disinfect their computers and educate them in how to avoid future problems. The lower the effectiveness of this sort of business the more likely it is to diminish it as a problem for us all.