"SLI mode" message balloon
Messge from Sledge:
Thanks to a few dedicated Short-Media members we have been able to come up with a fix to bypass this annoying issue caused by Nvidia's new drivers.
GHoosdum has provided the folling fix for this ballon issue on system startup.
1. Navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\MediaCenterTray] in the registry
2. Look for DWORD NvCplDisableBalloonNotifications - if it is not there, add it, and set it to 1.
Bubble is gone!
Thanks to member wantmoore, those of you uncomfortable with (or clueless about) editing your registry, I’m providing the registry key here so that all you have to do it download the zip file, extract the .reg file, double-click the nVidia_SLI_error_fix, click yes, and then click OK.
Original question:
Thanks to a few dedicated Short-Media members we have been able to come up with a fix to bypass this annoying issue caused by Nvidia's new drivers.
GHoosdum has provided the folling fix for this ballon issue on system startup.
1. Navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\MediaCenterTray] in the registry
2. Look for DWORD NvCplDisableBalloonNotifications - if it is not there, add it, and set it to 1.
Bubble is gone!
Thanks to member wantmoore, those of you uncomfortable with (or clueless about) editing your registry, I’m providing the registry key here so that all you have to do it download the zip file, extract the .reg file, double-click the nVidia_SLI_error_fix, click yes, and then click OK.
Original question:
GHoosdum wrote:I have a single GPU in an SLI capable system on my wife's new PC. By the motherboard's settings, it is set to single GPU mode. Every time I boot into Windows, the nVidia CP icon in the taskbar pops up a message balloon that says "SLI mode not enabled, click this message for more information" or something like that. Will this show up every time? I could not find a way to disable it in the nVidia CP. I'm not buying a second video card just to make the message stop!
I googled for an answer, but the only answer I found was to kill windows ability to display baloons.
1. Navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\MediaCenterTray] in the registry
2. Look for DWORD NvCplDisableBalloonNotifications - if it is not there, add it, and set it to 1.
Bubble is gone.
Thanks for this. That had been driving me out of my mind. I posted a quick blurb about it on my blog as well as created a .reg file for those uncomfortable with manually editing the registry. The post and the file can be accessed at here.
Hope that's helpful to someone.