Motherboard Beeps?
Ok i realize i just posted not to long ago on my other thread, but i thought this may get me quicker service. I began to swap part out today, i got my comp to post but it froze. Now it doesnt even post but not to long after booting i get a long beep followed by 2 short beeps. Can someone tell me what this means?
1 Long, 2 Short on both an AMIBIOS or AWARD BIOS mean video subsystem failure.
Sounds like a dead video card.
is a Video Card Error/Missing.
The machine will still boot, but you cant see anything.
Try reseating it, or try another card in there.
I figure since you are continuing the previous thread here that similar things that could have applied there also apply here maybe.
Also, how big is first RAM stick, that card might try to grab 64 MB at once for frame buffer, so you need a stick bigger than 64 MB as first stick in RAM or BIOS and Video BIOS will not be able to echo, board and BIOS will possibly not go any further in boot process than failing to set up video. If you did not disable onboard video and that is still active, could be TWO frame buffers are trying to be established, TWO viode BIOS echoes are on verge of happening, that would fubar boot BIG time-- seen THAT also. That would eat up to 128 MB of main (on mobo) RAM possibly given what you said you had as embedded video.
EDIT//: i reconnected the power to the video card and pushed it into the AGP slot to make sure everything was fine, i booted and it got past posting without any beeps. But when windows started to load the bar went by about 3 times and then the screen went black.
soon ill be swapping everything from another system though, and if everything works fine then ill know its the video card
If it works, it's either a dead/dying video card or dead/dying AGP slot issue.
i seriously also beleive that my processor or cpu is dieing to because i have experienced extremely slow boot ups, and ive been able to test everything other than cpu and mobo
If your PCI card starts the PC normally, than you know it is either the AGP slot or the AGP video card because the PCI card doesn't use the AGP slot and it's a different card than the normal AGP card.
i appreciate all the help though guys, but the only thing i can do is RMA