Computer FUBAR?

airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
edited August 2006 in Folding@Home
okay, here is the log from FAH, I have paused the service, deleted the cores, and restarted, and it is still ending early on every work unit, this is pissing me off to put it bluntly.

I want to know what this things problem is, I have not overclocked this, or done anything to otherwise warrant a change in behavior The only hardware changes I have made were putting in a new intel NIC yesterday, and plugging a rf transmitter into a usb port for my mouse.

I just checked my hp rig, and it is folding along quite nicely, no errors to speak of, one is 90% done, and another 54% done, my athlon being down is killing me.


  • edited August 2006
    I would run memtest86 on that machine, airborn. I've seen dodgy ram do this kind of stuff before.
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    my ram better not be dodgy, I paid $150 for it, and I aint buying more for it, if the ram is bad, my 256mb stick of patriot is going back in and all my adobe apps are gonna go "Ahhhh WTF! I cant work on that"

    Im gonna run it and see what it says. Hoping that it goes fine.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited August 2006
    muddocktor wrote:
    I would run memtest86 on that machine, airborn. I've seen dodgy ram do this kind of stuff before.

    When you set up the client, did you say "yes" to getting the WU's with large memory requirements and "yes" to the -advmethods flag (latest scientific cores)? If your memory passes with no problem it could be a case where you have just run into a couple of unstable WU's. I had a spell about three years ago where I was dropping WU's right and left on my main machine. I tested everything which could be tested and tried all sorts of other crap. A couple weeks later the problem went away just as mysteriously as it first appeared.
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