Nasty WU for SM7

CryptoCrypto W.Sussex UK Member
edited August 2006 in Folding@Home
Picked up a nasty WU for SM7 since the Tinker drought.
It's a Gromac p1811_COL1_121_fragments.

EMIII is showing it as 512 points but taking 2-11-14 per frame. :eek3:

Had a scan round SM7 but can't find any thing obviously wrong to slow things up. Got forceasm enabled.

That brings production down to a measly 56 points per day. :(

Seems rather unfair to me, hope it's worth it for the science.:fold:


  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited August 2006
    The WU's that are out right now are crippling all my machines as well. My A64 3500+ is doing a stellar 600ppw... :-/

    I'm with you; I hope the benefit to the project is greater than what is reflected by the daily point production.
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited August 2006
    I've been getting hammered too, I didn't notice that my machine hadn't pulled a WU in almost a week when the tinkers disappeared. These new ones are choking my Sempron box pretty hard :(
  • edited August 2006
    profdlp wrote:
    The WU's that are out right now are crippling all my machines as well. My A64 3500+ is doing a stellar 600ppw... :-/

    I'm with you; I hope the benefit to the project is greater than what is reflected by the daily point production.
    Look at this Prof! I'm getting KILLED!!! 5 days to complete?? WOW! What is up with these MONSTER WU's???

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