tired of seeing the system32\config errors?

ArmoArmo Mr. Nice Guy Is Dead,Only Aqua Remains Member
edited August 2006 in Hardware
for all of those who keep getting the
missing or corrupt

i have a toy for you. I created a batch file that will read the restore points off of your computerand restore the SAM, SECURITY, CONFIG, and SYSTEM parts of the registry back to one of the restore points. I made the batch file a few months ago for work to help stem the tides of this problem in my enterprise wide rollout of SP2. It was originally made to run int eh BartPE enviroment, but as long as the recovery console has batch support which i belive it does considering the BATCH command batches a text file, you can copy this to a floppy and run it from the recovery console ( it is untesting in the recovery console, the way it inputs variables might not work in recovery console ) but it works very well in the BartPE enviroment.

for those who dont know whtat BartPE is ( http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/ ) its an application that you can use along side a Windows OS disc to make a bootable preloaded enviorment ( hence the PE ) the newer versions of the PE builder will have batch file support. it can output the files to a ISO for straight burning, or it can output al of the source files to a directory, which i use to make a USB flash drive bootable with this program ( i posted a few months ago http://gocoding.com/page.php?al=petousb ) if you make an ISO of BartPE you'l need to append the batch file into the ISO ith some software line MagicISO or WinISO. If you choose to output the files direct you can add the batch in anywhare and run PEToUSB and it will do the rest.


it will give you a directory listing of all of the restore points on the computer ( granted you have restore points enables ) lets you choose the point you want, expample: RP209, it will go inside looking for the SAM, SECURITY, CONFIG, and SYSTEM registry settings. if it finds them it will ask you if you want to resotr them, if you hit Y, it deletes the bad entries from the currect location of the files and copies the ones form the restore point you selected, then it renames them to coincide with what windows will expect to see when it goes to boot.

this dosnt work everytime, you may have to do this several times before you get the machine up and running again, it all depends on the resore points. they are saved in diffrent configurations and somtimes it just dosnt take, ive had to run it and restart the machine to see that it still gives the error loading XP, and ive had to do the script 3-4 times using diffrent restore points, but it will eventually it whould restore the registry to a usable state to load windows. DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT, RUN THIS FROM INSIDE OF WINDOWS!

Consequences Of Using The Tool
becuase it restores the registries from a save point, you run the risk of restoreing the registry back to a point to whare the computer might know know recently installed software or hardware has been installed, basicly just the same if you used the real restore point wizard.

you will have to rename the .TXT to a .BAT before it can be used, the forums wont allow me to upload a batch file :)

you can really mess stuff up if you edit the code of the batch file, particuarly how it inputs user responses, and not the Y and N parts, lol

if you want a rundown of how the code works just let me know.
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