I have a SATA drive, no jumpers, my granddad just bought a 320gig SATAII Baracudda, and it has jumpers, and what it is too do is to force it to run SATA 150. but there are no jumpers to set slave/master as there can be no more than one drive per cable.
I did a bit of studying and found that the jumpers on my JB drive enable (or disable) PM2 which is advanced power management and enable 150MB/s transfer rate.
What's odd is that my 1600JB's came with the PM2 enabled (according to the documentation, not standard) and the 150MB/s disabled which is standard. Go figure.
There are jumpers on SATA drives?
What's odd is that my 1600JB's came with the PM2 enabled (according to the documentation, not standard) and the 150MB/s disabled which is standard. Go figure.