Can't boot from Windows XP CD...

PieIsAwesomePieIsAwesome Ontario, CA
edited August 2006 in Science & Tech
My other computer is spammed to the max, so I want to format it, but for some reason it won't boot from the disc.

Yes, everything in the BIOS is set correctly, I've done this before with the same computer using the same disc, and it had worked. I even tested the disc by booting from it on another computer, and it works.

The computer seems to try to boot from the disc, at the screen after posting, but it stays stuck at:

Verifying DMI Pool Data...........
Boot from ATAPI CD-ROM:*blinking underscore*

And it's just stuck...

I tried resetting the BIOS defaults, (With CD-ROm set as primary boot of course) and no dice. I also switched the IDE cable, and changed the drive.

I also tried using a 3rd party boot program from the floppy disc, and almost the same problem. I can boot from the floppy, and use the program to tell it to boot from the disc, but once it startes to boot from the disc, it looks like it's going, goes to a completely black screen, but just shows a flashing underscore again. I know that right after that it should say "press any key to boot from disc," but it doesn' just stayes with a flashing underscore instead.

The current drive is, by the way, an NEC DVD-RW I bought not too long ago, and the other I tested it with was older...quite old actually. I couldn't find the drive I used before the NEC, I'll have to look for it...but aside from the drive, what else could be wrong?
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