Installing Windows XP onto SATA without Floppy

Is it possible to install Windows XP onto a SATA HD without having the drivers on a floppy disk? I don't have a floppy drive, and the PATA drive Windows was installed on just suffered a catastrophic failure.
The board I'm installing on is an Abit NF7-S.
The board I'm installing on is an Abit NF7-S.
I know about the problem but didn't think much of it when I bought my stuff and I went to install XP. The drive I used was a 250GB WD SATA drive and the XP installation identified it just fine. Is it a board thing? NF7-S being one of the first boards to introduce SATA, I guess that's the reason. But why?
Unfortunately, I coudln't get the prepared disk to recognize my SATA HD. I followed the instructions on the page, but maybe the drivers they recommended aren't actually the ones I need? Could someone who has done this before on an NF2 board walk me through what they did, and which drivers they used?
I changed the drivers in the zip file to the ones from the floppy and not from Abit's site. They have never failed me.
Windows is installing pretty quick on the SATA drive, too
Once Windows is installed with the correct drivers, you'd set the channel back to SATA mode, and Windows will detect and boot with it correctly.
You know, with my love of outdated electronics (turntable, tape deck, and a betamax player I've been drooling over at a local junk shop), you'd think I'd have a floppy drive to install drivers with. But no, that'd be useful. I'll take my antiquated gizmos in useless flavor, thank you very much.
Well that explains it. I used to have a couple of floppy drives in a box, but I guess they were eaten by hungry sailors. Poor things had no natural fear of humans...