matlab help

edited October 2006 in Science & Tech
hi there,

i've just started using matlab. i have a task to do, but i don't know how, so please help.

i need to plot all the curves of the function v(t)=vp*e^((a+c*t)/(1+b*t)), while changing the values of vp, a, b and c between 0 and 1 with step change 0.1. The function is time dependant, so time should be changed between 1 and 100s with step change 1.

the curves for each constant should be shown in separate figure, meaning all the curves when Vp is changed and other values constant should be plotted in one figure, all the curves for varied a should be ploted in another figure and so on...

i've tried doing it with 5 nested cycles, but it doesn't work properly, so please, if anyone has


  • edited October 2006
    you have not defined your problem completely.

    "changing the values of vp, a, b and c between 0 and 1 with step change 0.1. "
    do they change all together?? ... Try this:


    then just plot depending on your problem.

    You can also try for matlab help.
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