ajax questions

edited August 2006 in Internet & Media
anyone familiar with ajax / json?

i have a js problem i cant seem to get sorted out....


  • edited August 2006
    i have to say ajax is some cool stuff. i have a search page that gets data back from a web service. i chuck up the return so i can page through it, and prefetch the next result set and cache the previous, so i technically have three pages of data at all times and only display the 'middle' (current) page. and write it to the page via js. the end result is a search page that has next and previous links for results and never reloads..... it's pretty quick too...
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    AJAX is interesting, but PHP can do that as well to a point. But I do like the idea of dynamically loading data in portions of the page vs the whole thing at once. For example a news ticker that updates in real time without having to ever reload the page, even realtime chat programs though a webpage. Nothing too far fetched with previous methods, but seemingly easier with AJAX.
  • edited August 2006
    i was interested in it more for the fact that the page never reloads... see i was building a portal channel and normally when a channel has to reload or refresh, the entire page refreshes. since the channel would be paging through data, i didn't want a whole gigantic page to refresh every time you hit next or previous and this was my answer. so yeah, it could have been done much easier in straight up php but this way i got to play with new gimmicks and the page never refreshes.
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