What's the most popular? Xbox, Nintendo DS, etc?
I haven't even got a clue as to what console game devices are out there.
Last thing we had here was the Atari game player with tons of games for it.
We played that thing for hrs & hrs long into the night very often.
I've used the pc games for yrs now. But I'm interested in what's out there.
What do you all play and give me some insight on fun games,better graphics, price, alternate use for other things-- media cd/dvd player, etc.
I've heard you can mod these consoles for all kinds of stuff.
They will probably all be out of my price range, but I can always save up.
Give me some comparisons of what you've tried out.
Last thing we had here was the Atari game player with tons of games for it.
We played that thing for hrs & hrs long into the night very often.
I've used the pc games for yrs now. But I'm interested in what's out there.
What do you all play and give me some insight on fun games,better graphics, price, alternate use for other things-- media cd/dvd player, etc.
I've heard you can mod these consoles for all kinds of stuff.
They will probably all be out of my price range, but I can always save up.
Give me some comparisons of what you've tried out.
Microsoft XBox - $110 used
- Plays DVDs with $20 remote and receiver.
- Plays music ripped from CDs to system.
- Plays CDs.
Sony Playstation 2 - $130 new (for slim-line. older style is cheaper)- Plays DVDs.
- Plays CDs.
Nintendo Gamecube - $100 new, $70 usedNext (Current) Gen Systems:
Microsoft XBox 360 - $400 for Pro, $300 for Core (Don't waste your time with the Core system)
- Plays DVDs.
- Plays CDs.
- Plays MP3s, WMAs, etc. over LAN from PC sharing music files.
- HD-DVD add-on coming soon.
- XBox Live Arcade - Download games for around $5-$20 (Pac-Man, Galaga, Geometry Wars, to name a few).
Sony Playstation 3 - Not out yet, but expect $600 price-tag- Shooting for a Media PC type setup as well. Will perform similarly to XBox 360 in that nature.
Nintendo Wii - Not out yet, but expect <$250 price tag. Some places are saying $170 (unconfirmed)As for games, what type do you enjoy? We can recommend a system and games based off that.
It's a tough call though, because lately I have been having a ton of fun with the Xbox 360. The 360 is the system I sit down and play with my kids on almost every night. Strangely, the games we have the most fun with are the $5 XBox Live Arcade games. a 360 hooked up to the internet is a lot of fun because of the multiplayer aspect.
I like them all, so I can't really help you too much, but they are all very different.
Hell, I still play my Super Nintendo from 1993, so it's hard for me to be a fair judge
and about the modding....This is one of the xboxs that I have modded. I've done about 15 or so. I'm at work right now so I'll post a few pics that I have saved on my computer when I get home. I'm assuming that you have a good knowledge of computers since your on this site alot, so modding a console, especially xbox, shouldnt be too hard. It just takes time. The hardest part is just soldering the chip in, which is very easy after doing about 15 of them. You can run emulators (I have nes, sega, ps1 and atari). Feel free to ask me questions about modding (ive done ps2's, xbox's and n64's),
There's a bunch of games you all play that I'd tryout.
FPS games, boardgames like hardwood backgammon for the mrs.
We play quite a few games at pogo.
I like texas holdem and other poker games.
Blazing Angels looks pretty cool.
I had a WWII flying aces or something to that style for pc a while back.
Played a lot of original UT on the pc. Didn't like the newer versions, because they changed the game engine and it was like playing as a pillsbury doughboy. Slow & lumbering.
Played some Quake.
Prey, Battlefield 2, Call of Duty, look interesting. I've got the Tomb Raider- Legend for pc.
Seems like the current Microsoft XBox 360 has a lot of games we would like.
And it does more than just play games.
Wifey & I like the arcade games too. Something we can play together.
So I guess the pro would be the way to go huh?
Neither of us like the RPG games.
Cool, thnx for the info on moddin them.
Yea, I've burned up a few pc's over the yrs to know how to build them now. LOL I've got 6 here at my house and I do all my families, inlaws,neighbors pc's and updating hardware etc.
The main thing the modchip is used for is to replace the dashboard. When a normal xbox turns on its that green menu, which is essentially its OS. The dashboard in the pic above is called Unleash X. You can change the skin, similar to how you can change the theme and background on xp. The dashboard lets you run emulators, back up games onto the HD, and run hundreds of other programs. Modchips are amazing.
And not to mention it makes you feel you've got more for your money too.
Hey, if you like Texas Hold 'Em, go out and buy an X360 TODAY and get going because for the next 24 hours, you can get it for free from Xbox live arcade!
To really get the good xbox 360 experience, you will need the following:
The actual console
the xbox hard drive
Xbox live gold account (~$50 a year)
two controllers
a couple thousand microsoft points (to buy arcade games) - $50 should get you about 10 games
A headset.
A cheap USB keyboard (messaging without one kinda sucks)
The best deal for the first time you buy xbox live is the [URL=Thttp://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/memberships/12month-premiumgold.htm] Gold Premium pack[/URL] - it gets you a one year xbox live gold membership, a headset, a $20 off game coupon (in stupid rebate form, but still) and 200 microsoft points (useless - worth about $2, but at least you can buy a skin or a gamer picture if you want). After that, renewing your gold membership will cost you $50 a year or so.
Cyclonite is right - multiplayer on the 360 is a seamless, smooth, and fun experience. No various programs (teamspeak, xfire, etc.) - it all just works.
tmh88 is talking about modding original Xboxes, not the x360.
the "d" key is nowhere NEAR the "b"...
I'll be right there with ya! Well, not in the same place, cuz that's what the online service is for. But, I'll be playing!
Sorry I didn't answer right back. I had to drink some soup and take pain medication. Then got my 2 hrs sleep.
Sure! Anytime you or any of you guys do a mod on Xbox or gamecube post us some pics and tell us what you did.
Hehehe, I caught that right away too prime.
I thought to myself "What Gnome dippin into my meds"?
So What do you think my initial cost for a complete setup will cost prime?
About $500?
i've got headsets and USB keyboards. Couple of each.
Thnx all for the great input.
And make sure to post your gamertag when you have it, so you can kick my ass in texas hold 'em (after you teach me how to play)
Your stock headset won't work, btw. You'll need to use the proprietary xbox headset
Ahh, OK,
I was wondering about the headsets.
Thought it might be that way.
Maybe I'll get some birthday money ,then ad some cash with it for an Xbox 360 setup. Hopefully.
Kill your friends and help find a cure for cancer!
anyway I couldnt mod that gamecube last night because I lost the bit that you need to open it and I had to buy a new one.
if anyone plans on modding any nintendo system you need one of these http://cgi.ebay.com/4-5-mm-Nintendo-64-SNES-NES-CUBE-SECURITY-GAMEBIT-TOOL_W0QQitemZ180022209598QQihZ008QQcategoryZ62054QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
The nintendo wii does look amazing, the game i'm probably most looking forward to is excitetruck, but i don't think i'll be getting one, especially seeing that i got a 360 anyways :P
Everything he said, except for the fact that IMHO hardware mods for Xbox 1 are now obsolete, and software mods are the way to go. I have a kit I use that gets em done in ~5 minutes. Works flawlessly. I too have a pimpmodded xbox. see it here--> http://short-media.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10125
As far as usage goes, xbox1 is the best console to date, again IMHO. I have one connected to every TV in my house (3 total). I rarely game on em though, but mainly use them to stream media from my PCs media shares.
But I have pretty much every other console too, mainly collecting dust. Except for 360
TMH88 I have folded on Xbox in Gentoox... loong ago, but when that thing folds, it's pretty much useless for anything else.
Holy crap! Whats this you say? There are live linux cds out there for xbox?
Do Tell...
Or can you hook me up with links to your favorite distros?
And yea, 360 pwns... just arent enough games for it yet. in fact anyone grabbing Saints Row tomorrow? I am for sure, maybe even tonight if im still up that late.
is that out in the uk yet do you know? and by xbox, do you mean 360, or the original?
sorry to ask, but i love rpg
The lack of RPG is what's stopping me from buying a 360. All the multiplayer games seem to be sports games (/snore), shooters (My PC is about to blow 3 360s together away) or bastard child RTS games.
If the 360 gets some real RPGs, which are really the only genre that I like playing on a console, I'll buy it.
Deano: 360 only, sorry