Download latest Windows Updates
I set up another new PC tomorrow and have vowed this is the last time I'm going to download all (54 at last count) updates since SP2.
I've seen someone here talk about how I can download the latest, burn a disk and install them that way.
I've seen someone here talk about how I can download the latest, burn a disk and install them that way.
- How/where do I just download and save them?
- How do I know which ones are post SP2?
- If they are all on a CD, what command or file do I need to just install them all?
It will install all current patches to the date displayed and skip over the ones that are already installed on your computer. It also comes with customizable options to personalize or tweak Windows XP. It is updated monthly.
So it sounds like the updates are applied to a computer that has autopatcher already installed. So if I'm just using it to apply all the updates to all the new machines I work on, there really is no reason to apply the autopatcher updates. I might as well just go to MS and download the other updates rather than carry around all the autopatcher updates?
Finally figured out that the Windows Installer was the problem. Per a MS KB article I deleted the Win Installer files, rebooted, then Windows rebuilt the installer. Things installed fine then, and Win Update downloaded the update to Windows installer and things were fine.
Anyone else had this with autopather or was it just a fluke?