Sun 21'' monitor on XP??

edited September 2006 in Hardware
I just received, (I'm not at my house to look at the model number) a Sun 21'' monitor, which looks exactly like the GDM-5410, therefore I believe that to be the model number, but I will verify it later tonight, when I return home.

I run XP...and though I've played with linux, and solaris before, I don't want to have to install solaris to use this monitor...I want to use it in XP...

I have a Radeon 9200 Video card, on a suped up 400 mhz

The monitor has two inputs on it...the first being the sws13m, and the second being a hd15 (vga) input. Upon buying the HD15 cord to use it, and selecting input 2 on the front of the monitor, though the computer detected the hd15 signal, I got no video.

If this as simple, as me trying to find a xp driver, for use with this monitor?

I do not have solaris installed right now, therefore I haven't been able to check the HCL. I know that some video cards are not supported.

I'm also aware of the cable to purchase, and while miraculously I was able to find one local to me, the only one I found was sws13m to HD15, the back of the monitor doesn't have a port, just the sws13m cord coming out of the back of the monitor. Therefore I would need a sws13f to hd15.

I want to know why the hd15 cord, in input 2 wouldn't recognize the monitor, and what I will need to do, in order to get this up and running. I did some research online, and found posts from other members, who have done this same thing...Please help me, I'm sooooo very anxious to get this up and running.

I welcome any help, or assistance, hopefully someone else has gone through this, and can give me some advice.



  • edited September 2006
    Ok...I'm home now, and the model number is GDM-5010, upon connection, I get green lines, and nothing more. Any ideas?
  • edited September 2006
    Ok, maybe I posted this in the wrong forum, but I got it working now, thanks anyway.
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