Office saving to temp files over network!
London, UK
Hey guys,
I have a problem which has stumped me- probably an easy one for someone- but quite a bit of google searching hasn't revealed any clues yet.
Basically we have a number of users who save documents to a central network drive- up until recently this has been fine, however, now people are having problems..
When saving a simple excel file for example-
'your changes to 'file.xls' could not be saved, but were saved to a temporary file named xxxx' etc
Clicking save 3-4 times will then eventually make it save on the network drive... obviously this is very annoying for all the users!
1. This doesn't happen ALL the time- the file can usually be saved eventually
2. It still happens when there is only 1-3 people on the network, and when the file is only being accessed by one person
3. The drive its saving to has plenty of space- 4gb's + (enough for .xls and .doc files)
4. As it does not happen all the time I concluded that write protection, permissions etc were not the issue.
5. Saving the same file to the desktop works fine- proving its not connected to the particular file!
Any clues guys?!
I have a problem which has stumped me- probably an easy one for someone- but quite a bit of google searching hasn't revealed any clues yet.
Basically we have a number of users who save documents to a central network drive- up until recently this has been fine, however, now people are having problems..
When saving a simple excel file for example-
'your changes to 'file.xls' could not be saved, but were saved to a temporary file named xxxx' etc
Clicking save 3-4 times will then eventually make it save on the network drive... obviously this is very annoying for all the users!
1. This doesn't happen ALL the time- the file can usually be saved eventually
2. It still happens when there is only 1-3 people on the network, and when the file is only being accessed by one person
3. The drive its saving to has plenty of space- 4gb's + (enough for .xls and .doc files)
4. As it does not happen all the time I concluded that write protection, permissions etc were not the issue.
5. Saving the same file to the desktop works fine- proving its not connected to the particular file!
Any clues guys?!
Check the server event logs, and especially look for entries such as "the server has elected to be a master browser, but the server such-and-such already believes it is the master browser" or something to that effect.
What are the server specs? OS, etc?
The server is from the stone age- it runs on Nt4! It's a dual processor machine, x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~498 Mhz, 512mb ram, 2 18gb HDD's mirrored etc, far from decent (We are getting an upgrade mid-late November)
Just looked in the system, security and application logs and can find nothing even close to that- infact nothing which gives any clues what so ever!
ping -t servername (or the server IP)
Let it run for five minutes. If you have any packet loss whatsoever, that is your problem. If not, we'll look at some other things.
You say let it run- presumably it will not actually stop like a standard ping? - If so how do I stop it and get the results! (Please excuse my extreme novice type question!)
On my pc (which has never had this problem!) its 0% loss, on a colleagues pc who has had the problem very often- also 0% loss, just for completeness I tried on another pc which had the problem right in front of me before opening cmd prompt, also 0% loss...
The plot thickens!
The drives they will be saving to are mapped- i.e u: maps to \\Server_name\Path1 etc
DCOM got error "Class not registered " from the computer PEI_SERVER when attempting to activate the server:
(PEI_Server) is the name of the server I was pinging before- our server
What I would suggest is to create a new share, move the files to that, and re-map all the drives. See if that fixes the problem and then we'll go from there.
@primesuspect- how do i see those expertsexchange answers- I always thought they were a pay site so to speak!?
@primesuspect- I tried creating a new share and saving a file to that- still the same error.
I still think the fact that a colleague and I have never had the problem what so ever- even though in some instances we are using the same files as the other people (at different times obviously) should be a clue of some description!
I can't really pinpoint what's going on here. What's happening is most likely the workstations are losing their connection to the file while it is open. There could be a million different ways for that to happen. Even though you did a ping test, you might want to run one for several hours - like overnight. Do the ping test overnight and when you are done, hit ctrl-c to see if there were any dropped packets. Other than that, I'm stumped - I would have to sit in front of the machine to be able to fix it.
The loosing their connection whilst files are open is an interesting idea- whilst they are having problems saving they can still successfully browse the web- indicating the connection is ok- strange.
I will try to get one of them to set up a ping like that on their machine and see if it is still 0% loss...
I too am stumped! (Mind you, I was before this thread haha)