No finalize option in nero
London, UK
Hey All,
For some reason when I go to burn in nero some options are greyed out- finalise being one of them- after burning a dvd- which i can get to play in my divx dvd player- my pc fails to even recognise i have the dvd in the drive!!
This was using datawrite yellows, and reds,
However, when using the CD Burner XP Pro freeware app- finalize WAS an option- which i ticked- and my pc read the disk fine!
Any ideas why Nero is being odd like this- also- if I cannot get nero to play ball- which alternative s/w for burning would you reccomend- basic data burns- i never/rarely burn music or dvd disks- just data- images I can use Alcohol 120.
Also- the IMAPI service- What should this be set to?- I seem to recall I disabled it for some reason before- then enabled it and it read one of the nero disks then no others!
For some reason when I go to burn in nero some options are greyed out- finalise being one of them- after burning a dvd- which i can get to play in my divx dvd player- my pc fails to even recognise i have the dvd in the drive!!
This was using datawrite yellows, and reds,
However, when using the CD Burner XP Pro freeware app- finalize WAS an option- which i ticked- and my pc read the disk fine!
Any ideas why Nero is being odd like this- also- if I cannot get nero to play ball- which alternative s/w for burning would you reccomend- basic data burns- i never/rarely burn music or dvd disks- just data- images I can use Alcohol 120.
Also- the IMAPI service- What should this be set to?- I seem to recall I disabled it for some reason before- then enabled it and it read one of the nero disks then no others!
Erm, I *think* its version 6- its on my home pc and I am at work at the moment ;-)
Its just really annoying that I can make a dvd in nero with a bunch of divx files on it- play them perfectly in my divx dvd player- then if I put said dvd in to the pc to view the files- it refuses to even see the dvd! (using the same drive which burnt it)
The CD Burner XP Pro was fine- but it was being a bit quirky last night- chucking errors around when I added a bunch of files
Nero update page
One list I found of drive firmware:
Don't take that link as gospel. Check your drive manufacturer's website.