Need Help with a school project

majora2007majora2007 Planet Earth
edited September 2006 in Internet & Media
I need help with a project in school. I have to pick a topic for social justice with my team. We chose to raise money to buy nets to send to africa and part of the project we are requried to make a website. I saw and thought we could do something like that.
To create a button in which each click would record your IP address to a database, then whould add a 1 to a counter, and save to a file. Then the next clicker would click and the button script would check to see if the IP address has already clicked that day, if so it would display a screen (which I will make) and if not it would continue, record IP address, and add 1 to counter. It would reset every 24 hours. We will also have sponsors who will donate something like 4 cents per click.

Any help would be greatly appriciated. Also include what language you would do it in. I know basic vb, basic html, and C/C++. Thanks.
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