File System Crashed??? HELP!!!

T-LAM-CT-LAM-C The Old-English "D"
edited September 2006 in Hardware
Hello, all! I have a serious problem thats becoming critical! My system has been automatically shutting down during boot, completely off! After about 4 times it will complete boot and run, even games!
Ive run many virus and spyware scans and all seems well. Only two things changed just prior to this phenomenon, I updated the Asus A8N-E BIOS from 1010 to 1013, I adhered to the Asus requirement to updat the Chipset to v6.65 or later prior to this update(Hence the title). I then installed and ran, for one day, F@H(I Dare Say)! F@H has since been removed and I reflashed the BIOS to the original 1010. This has been going on for a few days now and at this point my programs are beginning to do strange things. Ive had to re-authorize my computer to play my iTunes music and most of my Windows Media Player Licences need to be re-aquired! Also, my "Start, Programs" folder are beginning to shoe Items that I am certain that I have removed/deleted. (I did run System Restore without success..."system cannot be restored to selected point, no changes have been made to the system.) I hope this is not too long but I hope it is informative. Please, any suggestion will be welcomed!:aol:


  • T-LAM-CT-LAM-C The Old-English "D"
    edited September 2006
    May I add, I did run memtest86 on the RAM modules, wanting to be certain, and the test made 2 runs without error. When I switched RAM modules to test 2 seperate modules, the same problem occurs, from no boot to varying boot-up and run times before crashing. On the second modules I noticed no errors before the crash. Its the exact same symptoms. My system is:

    Asus A8N-E v2.00 BIOS 1010 Chipset 6.8 New
    Athlon64 x2 3800+ Manchester New
    OCZ4001024PDC-K About 2Yrs
    EVGA GeForce 7600GT PCI-e New
    Enermax Noisetaker 420 PSU About 2+ Yrs

    All voltages and speeds are stock (recently due to problem)
    Im thinking the above problem occured even running memtest86 booting into DOS. The Win NTFS File System isnt even loaded, heh? Could this be the PSU? This thing is going to be the death of me!
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited September 2006
    It could be the PSU, but I'm inclined to think that either you have a BIOS setting out of whack or you need to roll back to the old BIOS which seemed to work OK.

    Try resetting the BIOS to defaults using the jumper on the motherboard (ask how if you're not sure), then go through each page making sure that everything is set correctly. Again, feel free to ask if you're not sure of something.

    Good luck. :)
  • T-LAM-CT-LAM-C The Old-English "D"
    edited September 2006
    Prof, thanx for your reply. I did reset the BIOS using the jumper on the MB with no relief, it crapped out! At this point I had to get a little more patient and try something basic, I removed the PSU from my unit and installed it into the wife's, the problem seems to have followed the PSU, her system crashed on the first boot, right after the windows logo screen. The second boot completed and I am now waiting to see if I can duplicate the phenomenon one more time before heading to the PC supply store. Can you recommend a good PSU, if that is my problem?


    Thanx, again for your help, Ill let you know what's what.
  • T-LAM-CT-LAM-C The Old-English "D"
    edited September 2006
    Folks, thanx 4 all the help and replies! I did replace the PSU and all is well now. Even my overclock seems to be more stable. Im at 2550MHZ on the x2 3800 manchester CPU w/ 1.65v. I opted for the Ultra V-Series 600w PSU. Thanx again for your help.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited September 2006
    Glad you got it fixed. :cheers:
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