Bridging a connection...
...well thats what I think this is called at least. I have two computers, computer #1 is connected to the internet via a wireless card and computer #2 has a network card but is not connected to the internet yet. Since they are in the same room which is aways from my wireless router, I was wondering if there is some way to connect computer #2 to computer #1's network port and share the internet? I think its called bridging but I'm not sure and don't know how to set it up. Any ideas?
You'll want to connect the two PCs together with a crossover cable. Ignore any hub layout they may use for the wiring.
After reading through the setup for your version of Windows, feel free to ask any questions.
First, can you bring up a command prompt and type "ipconfig /all" without the quotes? Then, post a screenshot of that here?
Next, what type of router do you have? And, how many computers are currently connected to it?
I'm going to suggest the 172.16.1.x range, just to be sure we're not conflicting with ICS at all.
Keep in mind that you'll be double-NAT'ing, so you may run into issues with certain things like gaming from the PC that's connected to the computer that's running ICS.
How hard is it to grab a wireless card for the other PC? It may be easier to avoid the hassle (and problems) with ICS, and buy a card.