can i get more download speed?
hi friends,my problem is slow downlod speed though i use wellget download manager but i m not satisfies my isp provides me 115 kbps[i use dialup]my donload speed id in average is 7kbps i use dell optiplex 110pantium3 ram:384 my modame is :standard modame 33600 is there any thing that i could do please help me
You will need to get broadband for that. I would suggest a basic DSL pakage, should be cheap, but will cost more than Dialup, but it all comes down to if you really want it. I think around here you can get a 128kbps DSL package for around $20 or $25 a month. and SBC usually has quite a few promotions going on so that you can get it for a reduced ammount for a little while.
My aunt got a deal that she signed a 1 year contract, and she gets it for $12 a month for 6 months, then has to pay around $25 for the other 6. Which comes out to around $18.5 a month, not bad
Any dialup provider who tells you you get 115K is lying. They probably mean "Speeds that seem like 115K when you use cached pages".. Read the fine print.